Aiming for cities embracing sustainability, equality and inclusiveness

Introduction PURC.


PURC strives to empower the urban citizens through information, research, dialogue, training, and advocacy. PURC also engages political parties, government agencies, academia, students, journalists, and the private sector to contribute to the urban development in sustainable and inclusive ways.


By demanding transparency, accountability, responsiveness in urban planning, PURC proposes inclusive, affordable and alternative ideas for urban development.

PURC carries out the following activities.

PURC collects information on various issues through daily newspaper clipping and their analysis; information collection from government departments, media, and different national and international organisations.

PURC studies and documents selected development activities in the city, and collects documentation on the ongoing work of different government and non-government organizations on urban and development-related issues.

PURC holds regular monthly/bi-monthly forums open to all citizens and local government representatives and planning institutions. The aim of the forums program is to arrive at an informed understanding of development, policy and planning issues through information exchange and debate.

PURC makes all this information available in the form of a reference library consisting of books, reports, maps, and by transcribing of the forum debates.

PURC regularly prepares policy briefs, policy memos, position papers, and other proposals for the government.

PURC holds training programs for students, government officers, and other stakeholders on urban governance, urban growth management, and urban planning.


Our Area of Focus


Making transport accessible, maintainable, and safer for urban lifestyle.


• Transportation
• Infrastructure
• Sustainable Innovation

Urban Services

Efficient and effective urban services are the basic essence for development.

Urban Services

• Water
• Sanitation
• Solid Waste Management

Health & Welfare

Improving health and ensuring the well-being of vulnerable communities residing in municipalities.

Health & Welfare

• Green Spaces /Parks
• Mental Health
• Physical Well-Being [Covid-19]


Cultivating a greener future for a sustainable tomorrow.


• Climate Change
• Protecting the Ecosystem
• Food Security
• Conserving Urban Heritage


Equality in cities and cities ensuring equality.


• Gender
• Ageism
• Children
• Minorities
• Education
• Laws, Acts and Policies

Urban Housing

Envisioning equitable housing for all citizens.

Urban Housing

• Housing
• Migration

Featured Campaigns

Urban issues

The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.

Featured Campaigns

Water sanitation

Modern sanitation facilities are vital to public health. And while access to sanitary facilities has increased dramatically in the past twenty years, nearly 2.3 billion people still don’t have toilets or access to upgraded latrines.

Featured Campaigns

Housing related research

For the first time in history, humans are predominantly urban. Cities occupy less than 2% of the earth’s land surface, but house almost half of the human population and use 75% of resources we take from earth.